1. The Rule of Three Criteria:
- Provide a framework for studies (It calls for breadth and depth of research, Is not a yes/no question)
- Takes a stance (Allows you to argue some point, Cannot be a recitation of facts or a list)
- Format (It is specific, The wording makes sense)
I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ.
a. What is the most important factor in healthy weight loss?
The criterion that this EQ meets quite well is the second one - as it is very arguable. Experts debate on how to loose weight healthily, the value of fad diets, etc. The author just needs to decide on whether to focus on the "how" or "what". How to loose healthily, or what makes a weight loss plan healthy?
Summation: This EQ meets criterion 2, partly 1, and does not quite meet 3.
b. What is most important to securing a conviction in a criminal investigation?
Perhaps "what" should be specified - maybe "technique". A who should be included as well. How can a, I don't know, lawyer best secure a conviction in a criminal investigation, maybe.
Summation: meets all but last criterion.
c. What is most important in creating a hairstyle that best satisfies a customer?
This EQ doesn't seem to meet criterion 1. "Listen to the customer" seems to be the answer. The EQ could be worded to allow more wiggle room - perhaps focus on the most important skill for a hair-dresser to have.
Summation: doesn't meet the criteria.
d. How can an Anesthesiologist best treat chronic pain?
This EQ meets the three criteria. It calls for the author ti research medical papers, secure credible sources, explore opinion and find evidence. Answering this EQ means settling on an opinion - no doubt an arguable one, as medical method varies out there. Finally, the EQ is nice and specific. The profession it involves and the condition being treated is included. Even the use of the word "treat" adds specificity in a crucial way.
Summation: meets the rule of 3 criteria
3. Based on your review of the rule of 3 and your experience with assessing four EQs, please write another draft EQ for your senior project.
•What is the most important advancement in microbiology that extremophile research has facilitated.
•Why should microbiologists continue to research extremophiles?
•What is the most useful application for extremophile research in the context of the world today?
•What is the most important development that extremophiles research has to offer?
The gist of my EQ drafts is "Why extremophiles?". I just need to get the wording right.