1.) List your topic here:
2.) What do you plan to do this year to show growth in each of the ESLRs? Be specific and use an example. Examples can come from senior project, model assembly, core, and/or participation in senior class ASB or other organizations on campus (clubs etc).
• As an Effective iPoly Citizen, I will participate in more community service opportunities including beach and natural habitat clean-ups with TreePeople and Amigos de Los Rios, the feeding of the homeless at the Union Station near my house, and the Wiggle Waggle Walk next month. I will also be more active at school mostly through the Blood Drive committee, but also through HOPE club and Christian Club. If any of my classmates need help with anything, from a physics problem to the challenges of Senior Project, I will be there to give it.
• As an Effective Learner, I will take full advantage of the opportunities that my mentorships provides, helping out around the lab as much as possible and not being daunted by topics or techniques that I find challenging. I will also put in more study time for each core subject than I have in previous years and step up to the plate whenever somebody needs academic help - a.k.a. tutoring. After all, teaching is learning. Cal Poly and Cal Tech provide an array of presentations on various topics throughout the year, so I hope to take advantage of those as well.
•As an Effective User of Technology, I will take advantage of sites like ProQuest, JSTOR, and Academia.edu to provide me with reliable pieces of research, especially since my topic is a scientific one. If there is a topic I feel I need a deeper understanding of, I will consider Kahn Academy, Coursera, and MIT OpenCourseWare as sources for it.
•As an Effective Communicator, I will work on becoming a clearer communicator and improving my projection. During core classes, I will step up to whatever role is given to me in group work and not let fear or self-consciousness prevent me from expressing my ideas. Neither will I let my conviction in my ideas cloud my attention to the ideas and opinions of my group mates. Being a member of the Blood Drive committee will definitely give me the opportunity to improve my verbal communication skills, as I will have to make class announcements regarding upcoming blood drives, and ensure that everybody understands the donor requirements.
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